Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the first newsletter from the PSA for 2024.
Firstly a big thank you for all the support you gave to the PSA and the school during December.
It was a busy month and there were a lot of requests and a lot to remember! We are always so grateful for the help and support we receive which does make a big difference to any events we run and to their success. Without parents help and volunteers a lot of our events could not happen so a big thank you and please do consider helping out at another event coming soon.
We have given a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who donated a prize for the raffle at the Christmas fayre on our PSA Facebook page but once again thank you so much to everyone for your generosity.
With all the events that we have put together since September, so far, a fabulous £10,300.15 has been raised for the school. This includes the summer festival, uniform sales, refreshments and £3,032.00 which was raised at the Christmas fayre. What an achievement! Every penny raised is invested back into the school. Further details about how these funds will be spent will be shared with you shortly.
This year we are looking at holding lots more fun events that everyone can get involved in, including a summer disco for the children. Of course, there is also our fabulous Easter pom pom hunt which is scheduled for 26th and 27th March (weather permitting) and will take place on the school field after school, and there will be the summer festival which last year was a big success. Lots more details and ways to get involved will follow soon.
Our first adult only quiz night event will be taking place on the evening of Friday 19th April. This will be held at St Marys Church Hall and be a great opportunity to get together with other parents and have some fun whilst raising money for the school. Timings and ticket prices will be confirmed soon but please pop the date on the calendar and we hope to see lots of you there.
Another date for your diary, as it is always a popular event, is Saturday 7th December. We have secured tickets for the Panto at the Pavilion Theatre Worthing for this year’s performance of Robin Hood. Information on how to purchase tickets will be available nearer the time but do put the date in your diary.
The PSA Facebook page will have regular updates and reminders of our upcoming events along with ways you can help raise money for the school. If you haven’t yet joined the PSA page, you can find us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GoringPSA/
Thank you all once again for your support.
Emma Bekiroglu PSA Chair
On behalf of the Goring Parent Support Association Committee