Goring CE Primary: Curriculum Intent: Computing

At Goring CE Primary, we provide children with an ambitious, high-quality, progressive computing curriculum, delivered through regular, engaging computing sessions. Each child leaves Goring Primary with a strong understanding of the ever-changing digital society – and how to navigate it in a safe and socially responsible way.

We are committed to providing our children with opportunities to explore the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information), and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). The objectives within each of these strands are carefully planned to ensure the development of knowledge, and progression of skills, from EYFS through to Year 6. Our curriculum ensures that pupils build on their previous years learning, and provides opportunities for our children to apply and practise their new skills in a range of curriculum areas throughout the year.

At Goring, our children will be digitally literate and become active, responsible participants in a digital world.

Curriculum Implementation

At Goring C E Primary School we use the Teach Computing curriculum which has been developed by the National Centre of Computing Education. It provides a high quality, progressive curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 which is based on the National Curriculum. Each year group has six units - 1 per half term – which focus the key knowledge and skills of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Additionally, so that children can achieve depth in their learning and become fluent and confident in their skills, year groups will revisit and embed the children’s computing skills in creative opportunities across the curriculum.

At Goring we are committed to ensuring our children can access and use technology safely and responsibly. Teacher’s use the Project Evolve resources which are linked to the government’s Education for a Connected World document. Half termly, class teachers will complete a knowledge organiser for their class which will, over the year, track the children’s progression in learning across the 8 key areas: Self-image and identify; Online relationships; Online reputation; Online bullying; Managing online information; Health, wellbeing and lifestyle; Privacy and security; Copywrite and ownership. Additionally, our PSHE curriculum Jigsaw integrates some of these elements of e-safety. Teachers will also be responsive to needs of the children regarding safe and responsible use of technology and address these when relevant.

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